Undeniably photographed in the early stages of middle school at a club volleyball tournament, Lauren and I are both sporting what seemed to be acceptable trends at the time. Perhaps you are having a difficult time spotting the two of us. If my obnoxiously long and pale legs don't give it away, I'm the one on the far left, two in from the girl wearing embroidered jean capris. I'm fairly confident that I am sporting some brand of knock-off Rocket Dogs and a pair of sunglasses to keep my poofy, air-dryed hair off of my face. Lauren is one in from the girl wearing long overalls with a nude-colored Brass Plum lycra tank. Hair parted down the middle, her red sweatshirt is covering what I believe were white denim shorts.
Luckily, our random, rekindled friendship (via Myspace) 6 years later was a little more successful than our volleyball careers...
im really surprised with the absence of mid-drift bearing tops.