Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Loathe List

It's that feeling you get when you're casually watching The Food Network and realize how much the word "moist" bothers you. Or when you're dining at a restaurant and suddenly get this overwhelming hatred for the unknown couple next to you who has chosen to sit on the same side of the table. Well, this is what me and Lauren like to call the "loathe list." Anyone who knows me knows I have an ongoing list that I keep on my computer and add to when I feel necessary, with frequent contributions from Lauren. It's progressed quite a bit from it's original birth place on the back of our door at the Castilian, but here it is... Feel free to contribute though know that list-worthy items hold high expectations...
1. People who preserve already opened soda cans in the refrigerator
2. Referring to getting together as "playing" 
3. Croc-wearing families 
4. Descriptive adjectives for recipes and/or food dishes 
5. Sexual jokes that end in, "That's what she said..."
6. Leaving remaines on a utensil after asking for a bite
Ex: Ice cream left on a spoon 
7. Saving alcohol bottles as trophies 
8. Texting in response to missed phone calls 
9. Parking lots of overcrowded garages 
10. Personalized license plates 
11. Excessive scenic pictures from studying abroad and/or vacations 
12. Mass texting on holidays 
13. Drinking leftover milk from a cereal bowl 
14. Girls who carry mini purses alongside backpacks to class 
15. Bumper stickers... all of them really 
16. Overuse of the word "organic" or "green" 
17. Phone calls from concerts... No, we cannot identify that song. 
18. Bikers who ride alongside cars in the street 
19. Sympathy plea emails for class notes 
20. Girls who refer to themselves as "guys' girls" 
21. Hamburgers at Mexican restaurants 
22. Nose blowing in large lecture halls 
23. Softball chants or any large gatherings of middle-school sports teams 
24. Awkward backpack hugs 
25. Baby voices to boyfriends 
26. Joes Crab Shack shirts 
27. Santa hats and other tacky holiday apparel 
28. Whistling in public places 
29. People that interchange the first letters of inappropriate phrases 
Ex: Tuck Fexas 
30. Excessive e-mail fowards 
31. People who crowd coffee counters 
32. Bowl scrapers 
33. Girls who work out with their hair down 
34. Toe socks 
35. Wide right turners 
36. Tacky bachelorette parties 
37. The name Ruthy 
38. Lengthy dream recaps
39. Octo-mom. She's just weird. And shouldn't be famous for her strange reproductive tendencies
40. Mini-laptops
41. Smart cars. There's nothing smart about getting in an accident in a toddler-sized car.
42. Airport employees on power trips.
43. Ice-cream scoopers used to serve foods in mass quantity (i.e: mashed potatoes)
44. People who refer to cars as their "baby."
45. Photographers who ask for a "funny" or "goofy" pose in group pictures.

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